I received this cri de coeur in the post this morning. I would like to share it with you as it touches on a delicate matter which affects all of us from time to time. I have changed some names in the interest of discretion.
Dear PS Panda,
I have lately been suffering from the most terrible attacks of wind which have frightened off the neighbours and made my part of the forest lonely and uninhabitable. What should I do?
Close to despair,
Trumpeting Panda
Dear TP,
You have my deepest sympathy in your affliction. The panda gut is a sensitive organ and easily upset, particularly if there has been a change of diet.
May I ask you - have
you altered your dietary habits recently? Especially, have you been tempted to switch to a cheaper brand of sausage?
Times are hard, I know, and the lure of the budget sausage is difficult to resist when your purse is light and your stomach empty. But, believe me, the false economy of purchasing a cheap sausage is exactly that - false. Even expensive
wurst and
choriso contain ingredients of less than premium quality. So much more so is it when we consider the low-quality end of the market. You would blench if you knew the least of it!
Inflation is the price we all must pay for living in a consumer economy - but inflation of the inwards is, fortunately, completely avoidable. Stick to a good quality Cumberland or Lincolnshire sausage from a reputable manufacturer and all will soon be well and you will once more be able to take your rightful place in panda society.
Do let me know how you get on.
PS Panda