Many of you have already guessed the nature of our enemy. Some of you may not. Some of you may have an idea of his name. Most of you, I suspect, have not.
So let me open my heart to you. Let me share the secret that has been vouchsafed to me.
It was little more than a week ago - a mere twelve days - as I lay sleepless in my den, tossing and turning, tormented by thoughts of the sufferings my beautiful Lupin was undergoing at the paws of his captors, that I was the recipient of a Holy Vision. A Voice spake in my ear, and my eyes saw clearly and were not blinded by the Glory Of The Highest. The Voice spake unto me a Name, and mine Eyes received an Image.
Are you prepared? Do you see clearly? Is your hearing also acute? Then here is the information you have been craving:
This is he whom we seek:

Mark this visage well. Note the vicious criminal cast of its features. Seek it out, even as it repels you with its gross ugliness. And know ye this name:
Yes, it sounds innocent, does it not? So too, no doubt, did the name of Professor Moriarty strike the unschooled masses of Sherlock Holmes' London. But be not deceived. Just as Moriarty was the Napoleon Of Crime, so is this... bear the worst, the most evil, the most depraved of creatures. Seek him out, I say, for where he is will you also find the jewel in the crown of Pandadom - dear Lupin himself.
Be careful, my friends, for this animal is cunning and crafty in the ways of his kind. He will try to fool you with honeyed words. He will dissemble and pretend innocence. But you, I know, will see through his every stratagem and divine the wickedness that writhes and coils within his perverted mind.
Now go forth! My trust is in you. My thoughts will follow you wherever you go; yeah, even unto the darkest places of the deepest depths of brown bear depravity.
I am praying for you constantly,
PS Panda
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The brown bears prepare for battle!
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