Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

We Had A Party

And the cake was yummy.


PS Panda

It's That Time Of Year Again

Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday dear PS Panda,
Happy Birthday to me.

It needed to be said.


PS Panda

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Words Fail Me

Let pandas die out, says British naturalist.

And let the effing monkeys follow!


PS Panda

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Nobility of Truffles Panda

You'd never catch me putting up with this kind of thing:

Truffles Panda's soul is so big it has room for everyone, even Charlie Cat.

Both humbled and inspired,

PS Panda

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Proud to present

Truffles Kitten!

Here he is in company with his mentor, my dear friend Truffles Panda. Is he not a fine addition to the Monochrome Posse?


PS Panda

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Greetings, 2009!

My, my, I have been lax and dilatory! Lax; in that I've not updated this blog since my birthday party and dilatory in announcing the New Year.

So, Happy New Year to all monochromists and also to our less fortunately endowed comrades! It looks like a tough year is coming for us pandas as the humans are talking of switching bamboo suppliers from Waitrose to Lidl. Now, I know you can get perfectly good provisions at bargain outlets, but even so! Don't they know how delicate a panda's digestive system is?

Never mind. On their heads be it - literally if it can be arranged. It doesn't seem so very long ago that we got regular consignments from Fortnums...

In happier news, a new companion has arrived, one year after my dear friend Truffles Panda first joined us. His label says his name is Bartlesham Polar Bear, but I will always think of him as John Blashford Snell Polar Bear. Here he is:

Don't you just love his scarf?

That's it for now. I've got to go and comfort Truffles Panda who is heartbroken at the thought of losing his beloved Tenth Doctor. Pointing out that there's still a year to go before he leaves the TARDIS for ever is giving him nothing in the way of consolation.


PS Panda